
Glass Artist

Slate Grove


Do you have something regarding the Finnish or Global Glass Scene in general that you'd like to comment on or point out and/or a dream related to that?

In the global art world, glass has seen much success as a material for artistic expression in the past 20 years. The boundaries have been explored, stretched, and sometimes fabricated with overly conceptual ideas. While we have seen a huge growth of technique and craftsmanship in those 20 years, it has also been the time of what has been widely referred to as the 'deskilling' of art. I think that it is important for all of us, internationally working with glass, to hold each other to a high standard of craftsmanship. It's difficult for viewers to access the conceptual content of works if the surface of the material is loaded with dirt, scratches, or dripping with glue but it also reflects poorly on the entire field of glass makers.

What is your favourite sense?

Taste. I really enjoy eating! I have had wonderful surprises exploring traditional Finnish cuisine, and I really enjoy cooking so that I can add my own twist. Some of my favorite foods have become Tyrnikiisseli, hernekeitto, and poronkäristys.

Which object do you own now that you would you never give away?

My father carried a Stanley coffee thermos with him everyday: to work at the factory, on family vacations, everywhere. The patina that his hands created on the metal as they wore the paint off of the surface over 40 years is a beautiful reminder of the hardworking people who do the jobs that society doesn't acknowledge often enough. That thermos will always create a range of emotions when I look at it and I am happy to have it in my life.

Which music creates the best flow when working with glass?

The best music for a glass blowing day depends on so many things. If I am making something small, and intricate, then the music needs to be more calming and melodic like some upbeat jazz. Larger custom pieces might seem easier with an 80's/90's dance mix...something that brings a smile to my face and funny memories to mind. Repetitive and structural days of production glass making are pretty mind numbing for me, so I would much prefer a podcast...thankfully, I don't have many heavy production days anymore.


Aalto University Glass Workshop Master

Co-founder at Mylly Glass

IG: myllyglass